Read also about benefits of winstrol
Stan-Max by Maxtreme contains 10 1ml ampoules of injectable stanozolol (Winstrol depot), dosed at 50mg per ml. Winstrol is a popular compound used during a cutting cycle, this is due to the ability to burn fat and build lean tissue without adding extra fluid. Winstrol depot doses will range from 50mg – 100mg per day depending on experience but can also be taken every other day depending on the user’s preference. They length of use should be no more than 6-8 weeks. When people compare Winstrol and Anavar the strength of Winstrol often ends up as the deciding factor for those that prefer to burn more fat and gain more lean muscle mass.
Dominic Owens –
I am very satisfied with this product! It worked really well on my body and I looked better because of this. Will have to purchase more of this!
Owen Morris –
This is some excellent winny! Got me some great results from this and I literally can’t ask for more! The pumps are amazing and my vascularity noticeably increased. Thanks americaroids for this amazing product!
William Maxwell –
This stan max is some good stuff! I pin this daily and never once did I get PIP from this. My vascularity dramaticallly increased and it might sound strange but I never got the joint issues people got from this. Will definitely use more of this!
Brian May –
I have been using this product for approximately 3 weeks now and WOW!!! Without a doubt, I see a considerable increase in my strength and stamina as I’m capable of accomplishing my training for 1 – 2 hours extra without needing to take a rest. I perform very strenuous and aggressive lifts and often feel sluggish as a result of the intense exercise but not since the past few weeks. I also like the “pump” that it gives me as it tends to last longer than other brands I have tried. it is a convenient and economical way to pack on some lean muscle mass and drop the unwanted fat load! Am have been running this with 50mg of test prop EOD and the reuslts have more than impressed me.
Roy Wilkerson –
This is one of those few products I’ve tried over the past 20 years in which I felt like the effects of in a noticable way. weight loss, and lean muscle gain..My diet plan does not change for at least two weeks in between meals, during which I make every effort to try and get the best out of all the products I try. This stuff works! I went from having to unbutton my pants to fit in them to cinching the 4th hole in my belt in 2 months time and I actually gained 9 pounds. That indicates a good trade of fat to muscle. Honesty without mercy is how I do and this maxtreme winny desrves the credit for it effects. Facts don’t care about your feelings and neither do I. Straight up strong product for straight up strong guys!
Danny Moran –
In all honesty, this steroid really killed my energy and performance when I started using it, however after research I found that it was due to me administering it wrong, oops! After sorting out my cycle properly I noticed huge improvements to both my physique and my performance!
Stewart Mcguire –
“This stuff is insane!
I have awesome endurance, the type where I could run and keep going without stopping…
My strength is incredible, perhaps not quite as strong as sdrol from dragon, but similar.
Vascularity is looking good, its dried me out and made me full and hard.
Got major aggression in the gym and a good mood overall.
The only two points are that this monster is quite poisonous, and my hair kept shedding even after I stopped using it, so I didnt last more than four weeks at high dosages, but the results in that time were crazy.
My dosages were 75-100 mg daily.
Not sure I would try it again since the superdrol is my favorite in comparison, especially when paired with test.”
Emmett Ferguson –
“I’ve tried oral winstrol a number of times but never the injectable version until i got this one. I think i might even prefer it you know. I got super dry from it after taking 100mg every day. No other substance has made me look as ripped. Plus my joints are not affected as much as with oral winny. Will use this again to get shredded for summer. I’m gonna ride the tren/mast/proviron train for two months, then kick it into orbit with eight weeks of winny. Great product and service too.
Jeff Owen –
This injectable winny freaking works! In just been 3 weeks of using this, I was already able to shed 14lbs of fat! I can say that I was a gym rat right before I injured myself so my body is running well. Got my femur dislocated and it took over 5 years just to recover from that injury fully. Now that I am back on the track, I have to gain back the body I had prior to the injury. I started getting my diet right and hitting the gym again. Before using this product, I tried a lot of products to help me with my lifts and burning fat. Nothing did it perfect until I found this brand of winny. I can see an increase in strength when lifting and I got drier after a couple of weeks. Been sweating a lot when using it but I don’t mind that at all! Joints are totally going bad but with the taurine, it helped me so much in alleviating the pain. Overall, this is such a great product and I have another bottle on the way with some NPP to help with the dry joints.Great source to use and their solutions (oils and aqua based) are so smooth to pin and use.
Danny Diaz –
I was looking for a way to help me keep my muscles looking tight as I get older. Cause that’s the sad reality, you can’t escape getting older and you cant expect to have the same body that you had in ur 20s. But I don’t wanna accept that I am getting old. haha! However, I was told to try out winstrol. Now, I am telling you, I’ve been using this product for about a year now and really happy with the results I’ve been getting from eahc cycle. I’ve never had such definition before and after I started using it I definitely started to feel stronger. I feel like I’m looking younger again, which I’m stoked about! No need to look for anything else other than this.
Lee Warren –
I’ve tried a lot of different products in the past and experienced not getting any results but I’ve been using this winstrol for about a year now on and off and I absolutely love it. It’s helped me get in great shape and has improved my body a lot. Also there’s no unusual side effects. It increases my sex drive which makes bedroom time a lot more enjoyable if you know what I mean. haha. So, overall, this product gets me hyped for my workouts, and my daily life in general tbh.
Nelson Strickland –
I’ve been using Winstrol since the last week of April and it’s been incredible when it comes to increasing definition and sustaining strength and stamina during workouts at home. Since I’m already in my 40s, having energy at all times is a struggle for people like me. Winstrol however helped me to perform so much better than before. I always feel so energetic and have more than enough energy to complete everything that I need to everyday. I usually take Winstrol right after I wake up, before I even eat breakfast. After 2 hours, I work out and eat breakfast afterwards. I am already feeling greater gains and I hope in a few months I will be able to lose 22 pounds. I am incredibly impressed with this steroid because of all the great things I get from it. Winstrol is awesome.
Luke Ball –
Before i found this i had no strength at all amd my endurance and stamina were pretty much non-exitent to be honest with ya’ll. I tried all kinds of supplements and I even tried switching to a high protein diet so I can build strength. None of this helped at all. Then I spoke to a friend who bought gear from here and reassured me they’re not some shady dudes and said i should try it out. A few weeks in at 50mg/day I quickly gained strength, muscles, stamina , and endurance. I’m finally able to workout properly again now and no longer gasping for air after cardio, plus i’m able to start lifting heavy again. Product was great and truly helpful!
Juan Mcafee –
Ladies, if you’re looking to build muscle without the risk of crazy side effects, Stan-max is where it’s at. It’s helped me add some serious muscle mass while keeping my body fat levels in check. And the confidence boost? Priceless.
Mitchel Marlowe –
Yo, if you’re into winstrol, you gotta try Stan-Max, in my opinion it’s even better than the oral form. Not only does it work just a tad better, but I found it also gets to work faster than the oral version. I started pinning 50mg EOD, and it worked great for me
Kennith Montano –
I usually feel the Winny really kicking in by week 2, and then I really know it’s working. I start feeling stronger and I can usually start to see some of the veins starting to pop out at that point too. It’s one of those mellow compounds though, and you really sort of feel it slowly coming on rather than having it kick you like a mule. There really isn’t anything better out aside from a good diet that can take off the extra fat and fluid retention the way Winny can do it. I do get some sore joints from it, but it’s nothing unbearable.
Gale Block –
Stan max is my best friend when it comes to cutting cycles, this stuff is truly magical at getting the body hard and grainy. I highly recommend it
Devon Maddox –
I’ve seen a huge step up in my performance since adding this to my cutting cycles. I have never felt so good during a cut, I think I’ll be using this in every cut now
Waylon Albright –
In my personal opinion, Winny is one of the most underrated substances out there. It always impresses me, and I’ve run at least 5 cycles with it in the past so it really shouldn’t shock me anymore. My strength level goes way up, I look bigger while also shedding fat and water retention, and I just feel better when I’m on it. I’m surprised more guys don’t run this stuff on the regular because it really gets the job done when I cycle it.