Weight loss pills or “fat burners” are pharmacological drugs or sports supplements that activate or accelerate the breakdown (burning) of subcutaneous fat in the body, which contributes to a decrease in body weight and increase in muscle definition. The mechanisms of action of fat burning drugs can be different. Most often, the main effect is achieved by accelerating metabolism and increasing body temperature, suppressing appetite and the formation of fatty deposits, as well as by blocking the absorption of fats and carbohydrates.
Within the bodybuilding world, the main interest and value are mainly “pharmacological fat burners” and the so-called “thermogenics” as well as some anabolic steroids and other non-steroidal drugs that are optimally suitable for drying and losing weight. They give the greatest return and efficiency in the process of their use.
Also, it is important to understand that not a single weight loss pill works entirely on its own, even the most potent fat burning drugs will require the user to follow a proper diet, rest and exercise regimen in order to fully see the results.
Most popular fat burners in the USA
The most traditional pharmacological weight loss pills used in bodybuilding in the United States are:
Clenbuterol (Clen) – a non-steroidal drug that was originally used for treatment of patients with asthma. It promotes an increase in heat production (increases body temperature and thereby increases the consumption of calories), which allows you to “accelerate” the basal metabolism by a third of the starting indicator. It belongs to the category of thermogenics. One of its features is considered an anti-catabolic effect which means it is able to protect muscles from destruction during weight loss and drying. It blocks appetite, increases physical performance and activity, and reduces fatigue.
Thyroxine (T3, Triiodothyronine, Liothyronine) – a non-steroidal drug, which is the most active form of the main thyroid hormone Thyroxine. The mechanism of action is in many ways similar to “Clen”. It provides pronounced thermogenesis (increased body temperature). This activates lipolysis (breakdown of adipose tissue), speeds up metabolism, suppresses appetite, reduces the need for sleep and increases intellectual and physical performance.
These two non-steroidal “thermogenics” can be used by both men and women. They are by far the most popular when it comes to fat burners.
If you would like to buy weight loss pills in the USA, you have come to right place. Any type of sports pharmacology is easily and conveniently purchased with us, and can be quickly delivered to any city in the States. We guarantee the quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers.