Just like with injectable steroids, it is very common to find oral steroids available for purchase without prescriptions. Oral steroids have grown in popularity due to their quick results and ease of administration. Unlike injections, taking pills does not cause any discomfort, and leads to similar improvements to your physique and performance.
Features of Oral Steroids
Oral steroids are broken down by your body much faster than an injectable steroid, this means that the compound will spike your blood levels much faster, leading to quicker results. Most oral steroids will start to take effect in your body around one week after use of them has begun. The speed in which your body absorbs these compounds also works the same for how quickly they pass through your system. Most oral compounds come with a half-life of just a few hours, meaning that dosages will need to be split throughout the day in order to maintain stable and healthy blood levels.
It is also worth noting that oral steroids also place your liver under a lot more stress than injectable steroids as they must pass through it in order to be metabolized, this means oral cycles should not be run for long periods of time.
The most popular tableted steroids
Oral anabolic steroids of all common types can be purchased via our online store at any time. In fact, there are not that many of them, and the abundance of names in sports pharmacology is explained by the fact that the same drugs are produced under different brands. If we put aside all the “clones” and analogs, then there are only five main steroids:
Methandienone (Dianabol or Methane) – Promotes rapid muscle gain, but retains fluid in the body. Because of this, tangible “kickbacks” are possible at the end of the course.
Stanozolol (Winstrol) – Unlike Methane, on the contrary – removes excess moisture from the body, and is ideal for “drying”. A long course of administration leads to an improvement in muscle definition, burning of subcutaneous fat and an increase in strength indicators.
Oxandrolone (Anavar) – Oral steroids of this type are poorly suited for gaining muscle mass, and are more often used for fat burning. With their help, you can get rid of extra pounds, while maintaining the volume and strength of the muscles.
Oxymetholone (Anadrol) –  Significantly increases endurance – the ability to perform monotonous, exhausting exercises for a long time. Ideal for “drying”, and often leads to a “pumping” effect – a noticeable distension and tightening of the muscles.
Primobolan – It has a weak effect on water metabolism in the body, and as a result – leads to minimal “kickbacks” after courses. With its help, you can gradually gain lean muscle mass, and keep it for a long time after the end of the steroid intake.
With the help of our store you can buy steroids in tablets for gaining muscle mass, fat burning, increasing endurance, increasing strength, etc. All drugs are original and sold without a prescription! Shipping is made by mail in the USA.