You may know this steroid better as Tren Hex or Parabolan, but Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is one of the most potent injectable steroids for sale in our store. Parabolan was originally developed not at all for sports use, but for a long time, it was used exclusively in veterinary medicine to increase muscle mass and stimulate the appetite of cattle. It’s only fairly recently that it has gained popularity among athletes.
The pharmacological form of the drug is similar to Trenbolone Acetate, with the exception of a longer ester chain, which provides a longer duration of action. It is increasingly used in preparation for sports competitions as it improves strength and endurance. But, it is also efficient at getting rid of fat accumulation, accelerating the growth of muscle fibers and giving muscles a pronounced venous contour. Customers who buy Parabolan from our online store also appreciate that it does not aromatize and there is no need for frequent injections with this steroid.