Pharmacological preparations have been used in sports practice for a number of years, and this is no secret. There are a number of steroid hormones that produce aromatization when taken. Testosterone is converted to the hormone estrogen. The consequences of such hormonal disorders, as a rule, are gynecomastia and high blood pressure, as well as virilization in females. To stop the aromatization process, athletes additionally use anti-estrogens during and at the end of the cycle of steroids.
Why do you need to buy anti-estrogens?
An anti-estrogen is important due to the benefits they can have on your body. When using most injectable and oral anabolic steroids, your hormone levels will become unbalanced, potentially causing elevated estrogen levels. One of the factors for this imbalance will be due to the aromatization of certain compounds such as testosterone, this is the process in which testosterone converts into estrogen within the body. There are commonly two main functions of anti-estrogenic compounds, the first is to shut down or limit the body’s ability to produce estrogen. The second function is to bind to estrogen receptors, this will stop estrogens ability to bind within the body.
Anti-estrogenic compounds will also be used during PCT to help restart the natural production of hormones within the body. It is important to make sure you have these drugs available before starting any cycle.
The most effective anti-estrogens
There are 3 types of anti-estrogen substances: selective modifiers, steroidal antiestrogens and aromatase inhibitors (AI). The most popular drugs within these groups are:
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid), Exemestane (Aromasin), Proviron, Anastrozole (Arimidex) and Letrozole.
All of these compounds will follow slightly different mechanisms within the body so it is important to do your research in the ones most suited for your needs.
The positive effects of the drugs
Anti-estrogens can help to alleviate the side effects caused by anabolic steroids. They can help to prevent the aromatization from steroids, lessening the risk of side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. They are also used to help elevate natural testosterone production, this is ideal during a PCT.
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