Blast and Cruise protocols: Full overview on them and its benefits
If you’ve ever done research on crazybulk anvarol anabolic steroids, then there’s a high chance that you have heard of a blast and cruise protocol.
If this is the first time of hearing about a blast and cruise, then you may not be sure what this means. There is a lot of information out there that can be daunting for people new to this topic
Although there is a lot of good information out there, there is also a lot of bad information, so if you are looking to find some easy to understand information about blasting and cruising, then this article is for you.
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Blasting and Cruising protocol, basically, means that you do not come off steroids.
Yes, there are some users out there who do not fully come off steroids, this is what a blast and cruise is. When I first read about this, I thought there must something wrong, I mean, lots of questions popped into my mind. I already had a good amount of knowledge on steroids, so I knew that using them for extended periods wasn’t the healthiest idea, until I found out about blasting and cruising, essentially this means the user will be taking steroids year-round, let me explain it properly.
So, for a regular Testosterone cycle, for example, the user would typically use a dose between 250-750mg per week for a cycle in the range of 10-16 weeks before coming off completely for around 8 weeks. When a person follows a blast and cruise protocol, however, this will look quite different. During the blast phase of this protocol, doses of Testosterone will be the same as a regular cycle, between 250-750mg for 10-16 weeks, but the difference comes after this period. Instead of coming of Testosterone and running a PCT, you will then enter your cruise period, during this time you will drop your dose of Testosterone to a level similar to a TRT dose, around 125-150mg per week.
To summarise, a blast phase will be the same as a regular cycle, and the cruise phase will be instead of a PCT protocol, during this time it is typically advised to only run low doses of Testosterone, however low doses of a compound like Primobolan may also be used by some people.
Most users would continue to cruise until they are ready to go through their next blast, usually, this will last a few months. That’s why most people won’t ever go over 2 blasts per year, while some do it only once yearly.
By doing so, the users are able to let their liver enzymes, lipids as well as other functions (generally – their health) return back to a normal state. The cruising is very important here because the testosterone levels that you run during the cruise are going to help the user to maintain the muscle mass that he was able to gain during the blast protocol.
Why would someone want to do so? Well, the main reason why blasting and cruising users decide to go through this protocol is to avoid the potential hormonal imbalances caused by Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). Running a PCT, the user is basically risking hormonal imbalances as the body tries to recover.
For example, a normal steroid cycle of approximately 14 or 16 weeks is often followed by a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), and compounds like Nolvadex, Clomid or Proviron for PCT are used.
During the time that these products are used for helping the user restore the natural abilities of the body to produce testosterone, the compounds also come with potential negative side effects too, and then again, the user has an imbalance in hormones during this.
Although most users will go through their PCT with no issues, we are all different and that’s why for some people it just doesn’t work well and they don’t want to go through it. They think that this is not worth it going back through all the struggle of recovering and bouncing back again. And this means that they are going through both mental and physical changes.
With blasting and cruising, you do not need a PCT plan. The Post Cycle Therapy is made for you to avoid low testosterone levels, but with a Blast and Cruise Protocol – the natural testosterone production is not a problem anymore due to the administration of testosterone every week of about 125 – 150 mg.
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What’s the Blast?
A blast is when a person is using multiple compounds at the same time in order to put on a lot of size. Most of the people are going to go through only one or maximum 2 blasts in a year and that’s because the more you have, the more is the risk. With 1-2 per year, you greatly minimize the risks of affecting your health and receiving negative side effects.

The blasting is what puts your body under a lot of stress and makes it unhealthy if not used properly. The blast means that you are running multiple anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) for several months. Using lots of steroids together for long periods of time is stressful for your body.
As soon as the blasting is finished (there are different types of blasts), the anabolic steroid user is going to come back to his usual cruising dosage and would continue doing so until the user is being ready to go through his next blast. But usually this is lasting months. That’s why most of people won’t ever go over 2 blasts per year, while some do it only once yearly.
By doing so, the users are able to let their liver enzymes, their lipids as well as other functions (generally – their health) to return back to the normal state. The cruising is very important here because the testosterone levels that you run during the cruise is going to help the user to maintain the muscle mass that he was able to gain during the blasting protocol. This is the reason why cruising with other compounds than testosterone is not considered actual cruising.

Why would someone want to do so? Well, the main reason why blasting and cruising users decide to go through this protocol is to avoid the hormonal disturbance of the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). Running a PCT, the user is basically receiving a hormonal rollercoaster and a lot of people wanted to stop it.
For example, a normal steroid cycle of approximately 14 or 16 weeks is very often being followed by a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and the PCT is usually done with some medicines like for example Nolvadex or Clomid (most often).
In the time that these products are used for helping the user to restore the natural abilities of the body to produce the testosterone, the compounds are also coming with negative side effects too and then again, the user has a misbalance in hormones during this.
Although many people are going through this very well, we are all different and that’s why, for some people it just doesn’t work well and they don’t want to go through it again. They think that this is not worth it going back through all the struggle of recovering and bouncing back again. And this means that they are going through both mental and physical changes.
With blasting and cruising, you do not need a PCT plan. The Post Cycle Therapy is made for you to avoid low testosterone levels, but with a Blasting and Cruising Protocol – the natural testosterone production is not a problem anymore due to the administration of testosterone every week of about 100 – 200 mg. Once again, that’s why is so important to run specifically testosterone during cruising, otherwise, that’s not a cruising. It basically means that the person is replacing the natural hormones.
Blast and Cruise Protocol (doses and cycle logs)
There are multiple blast and cruise cycles with many different compounds in various dosages that you can administer. They all depend on several different factors such as your size, tolerance, ultimate goals, and so on and so forth. However, below we would give you an example of a really good blast and cruise cycle which is quite common among many people.
You can find below what it looks like in a simple blast and cruise cycle example:
- 8 weeks of Testosterone for 150 mg per week (usually, Testosterone Enanthate).
Those are the weeks (roughly 2 months), which are considered your “cruise” protocol. But then, this is followed by blasting, for example:
- First 4 weeks with Dianabol 50 mg per day
- 14 weeks cycle length with Testosterone Enanthate 500 mg per week
- 14 weeks with Deca Durabolin 400 mg per week.
Once again, this is just an example of blasting, there are many others. For example, there are people who might want to change Dianabol for something else, usually, that’s going to be either Superdrol or Anadrol. This is different based on your own preferences and the final results desired. After you end your blasting cycle of 14 weeks, (this can be shorter or longer, again, based on your needs and preferences), you need to switch back to 8 weeks of low dosage of 125 – 150 mg per week of Testosterone.

Basically, the cruising doesn’t change. You could use it for shorter or longer or higher or lower doses as well as various testosterone versions, but most often, it remains Testosterone Enanthate for 8 weeks at 125 – 150 mg per week.
Most people change the blasting protocol – steroid users can add Winstrol (Stanozolol) and Trenbolone to their blast if they want. Again, it depends on your personal preferences and goals.
What I highly recommend is to do blood work every 3 months or so, this way, you can check your lipids, liver as well as other organs in order to make sure that they function properly and you are healthy enough, as well as to make sure that the protocol doesn’t affect your health (and your organs, obviously) too much.
In addition to that, is very important for you to remember that this is a commitment, which means that you will need to inject absolutely every week in order to maintain your hormone levels at the higher end. Without doing so, you risk the chance of side effects.
Other than that, is highly recommended to have a healthy diet and generally – a healthy lifestyle with a balanced nutrient-dense diet and proper exercise regime. Find out the best steroids for CrossFit, weightlifting, and other types of sport.
It is also highly recommended to get yourself some cycle-supporting products and supplements. This especially applies to the blasting cycle when your body is put under much more stress. Dieting, exercising regularly, and using supplements would make sure that you remain as healthy as possible and that you properly protect your organs.
For example, many oral steroids affect your liver in a bad way. In order to protect it, avoiding anything that affects your liver such as OTC medicines, alcohol consumption, and various other factors is highly recommended. Using liver-protecting supplements like Liv.52 can greatly help as well. The Blast and Cruise Protocol, as with almost anything in this life, comes with Pros and Cons. Here are 3 most obvious and biggest Pros and 3 most obvious and biggest Cons:
Advantages of blasting on cycle
- Faster goals reach
- Steady gains without interruption
- No hormonal misbalance during the PCT cycle
Disadvantages of blasting
- Commitment
- You would require weekly injections for a long time
- It may have a more negative impact on your health and organs

PCT after blasting and cruising
Another very important thing to keep in mind is that when you would want to come off your entire blast and cruise cycle, then that can be quite a hard process since is hard to fully recover normally. This highly depends on how long you have been blasting and cruising too. Obviously – the longer you’ve been on your blasting and cruising cycle, then the harder is going to be to fully recover from it.
This is the reason why many people who are not doing it professionally, opt for shorter blasting and cruising cycles. Professionals, usually, go for longer blast and cruise cycles as they have enough experience and knowledge on how to do it properly and how to fully recover easier.
You might find online (on different steroid forums and blogs as well as other sources) various different strong protocols that are going to help you to recover back from a blast and cruise cycle.
Despite the fact that many of them are indeed helpful, we need to warn you to do a lot of research on this first, that’s because there have been situations when users did not fully recover from their blasting and cruising. In some instances, this can be unhealthy, but it does come with negative side effects (nasty symptoms).
Is very important for anyone to remember this when you consider starting the blasting and cruising protocol. While this can be super effective, is not meant for everyone. Only start one when you have enough experience with steroids and enough knowledge based on the research you’ve previously done.
PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)
When coming off of a blast and cruise protocol, it is important to run a complete PCT protocol. Due to the amount of time these cycles last, it is vital that natural hormonal function is restored as quickly as possible. This means that you will need to use Clomid, Nolvadex, and hCG. Below I will place an example of this PCT protocol.
- Weeks 1 and 2, run 50mg of Clomid and 40mg of Nolvadex per day
- Weeks 3 and 4, run 25mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex per day
- Weeks 1, 2, and 3, run 1500IUs of hCG, 3 times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
As you can see from the information provided, there are pros and cons to running a blast and cruise protocol, just like there are pros and cons to a more traditional steroid cycle. The main factor to take into account is whether or not this type of cycle will benefit your goals. For a beginner, it is typically not advisable to run a blast and cruise, however, for the more experienced user, looking to maximize their progression, this could be the perfect way to do so.