Proper Proviron Cycle: Overview on dosage and benefits
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Some men who have cycled with steroids have crashed estrogen and cannot figure out how or why this happened. We are here today to give you some insight into the compound known as Proviron which is the name for the substance Mesterolone. This is a pretty amazing steroid… are you wondering why?
Well, firstly, you can stack Proviron in either a bulking or a cutting cycle to enhance results. And this compound can also be used on a maintenance type of steroid cycle. Proviron is sometimes a steroid that people seem to forget about or look past. We hope that by reading this blog, you’ll become more informed about the benefits of using Proviron IN your steroid cycle. One important thing to mention is that doses of this compound should be split and taken at least 2-3 times per day. Why? Because it has a half-life of 4-6 hours.
The Proviron benefits most people don’t know about
When bulking, adding Mesterolone to the cycle will keep away the unwanted effects like water retention that are often associated with other steroids such as Dianabol or Testosterone Cypionate. Users can stack Proviron with bulking compounds and enjoy its beneficial effects to enhance the results of the cycle.
When used in a lean mass or cutting cycle, Proviron can provide the user with benefits aimed at getting the body ripped or shredded. For example, running a Proviron cycle with a low HGH dose will be very beneficial. Proviron and HGH results will include an increase in lean muscle as well as get the hardened or chiselled look that a lot of people strive to achieve.
These are some of the reasons why bodybuilders and athletes love the performance side of Proviron. But it seems like a lot of people may also be misinformed about this compound. There are bonuses to using Proviron aside from the cool performance stuff that people talk about. Don’t forget that Proviron also has aromatizing inhibitor properties. You didn’t know that? Listen to what some of the experts say about this steroid.
Ever wonder why you have achy joints from taking certain compounds like Nolvadex for example? This is a common drug used during Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) which, for those of you that don’t know, takes place after your steroid cycle is complete. But some individuals don’t bother to learn the basic fundamentals of steroids, including Proviron.
Proviron is easy on your liver so it can be taken with other orals in a cycle. This is especially important for our multiple steroid stackers who like using Anavar, Dianabol or Turinabol in a cycle. Of course, there are some harsh steroids such as Halotestin and Superdrol that a user may not want to stack with Proviron. This depends on the tolerance level of each steroid user.
See info about suitable post-cycle therapy program
Mesterolone effects for PCT
Now, we mentioned Nolvadex which is used as a PCT drug. If you are a person who is naturally sensitive to side effects, then combining Proviron and Nolvadex for PCT is a big NO NO. In fact, we don’t suggest using Proviron at all during PCT. Why? Let the professionals explain:
Some guys use Proviron for PCT, but studies have shown this suppresses LH (luteinizing hormone). In addition, they may use it during PCT to reduce estrogen levels and increase fertility.
Some users don’t agree with the studies; they say they have not experienced any suppression and believe it is a steroid of choice during PCT. So, this has caused much conflict in the bodybuilding world, as Proviron is very ‘old school.’ It has been around for a long time, but now there are more modern drugs available which others feel are better suited for use during PCT. Our medical professional indicates that ultimately, the decision is up to the individual if they use it in PCT or not.
See also info about nolvadex pct dosage
Proviron Benefits: Is it worth adding it to your cycle?
It seems that the logical answer to our topic is to use Proviron during a steroid cycle, not for PCT. We always get questions about the benefits of using Proviron on cycle and just what results to expect from this steroid. Breaking it down is the best way we can answer those who might be skeptical about adding this in their next stack.
We thought it would be best to have an experienced bodybuilder talk to you guys about just what this steroid can do in your next anabolic cycle. Pay attention to his key points:
You can feel benefits like a boost in libido as early as one week from beginning to take Proviron. And, you don’t have to take high doses of the compound. I’ve used as little as 25mg/day and noticed a difference.
In addition to a boost in your sex drive, Proviron will put you in a better mood overall and when you are running a hard steroid cycle. Again, starting as early as week one, users will notice a better mood throughout the day. This will make your entire cycle more enjoyable.
Using Proviron in a cutting cycle will allow your body to get leaner. Lean muscle means a better physique. Want to see these effects right away? How does three weeks sound? Pretty amazing stuff.
Proviron in a cycle increases the body’s free testosterone and can amplify the muscle building effects of other steroids when used by serious minded individuals.
Some may not need an AI when taking a low dose of Proviron. From week two, Proviron’s anti-estrogenic effect limits the conversion of androgens into estrogen. I talk to many other bodybuilders about this effect.
But what about its similarity to other compounds? This question was asked by a new person to the steroid world about to run their 1st steroid cycle. From experience, we can tell you that the effects of Proviron have been compared to test prop benefits, Anavar, Masteron, Winstrol and Primobolan benefits. But you’ll have to be the judge of that since the effects of steroids like Anavar and Winstrol may have different effects on different user. From week two, users can actually lose fat from the effects of Proviron, similar to human growth hormone bodybuilding effects. This compound has a strong affinity to bind to androgen receptors. A DHT derived anabolic, there is a visible boost to lipolysis. In fact, fat can be specifically lost in the waist area, making it another great reason to use in a cutting cycle. It is known as one of the best steroids for CrossFit, and it is even safe enough for females to cycle with.
Read More About Proviron Dosage Bodybuilding
Proviron cycle logs
Mesterolone is a versatile steroid that can be stacked with any other type of steroid to provide various results. Whether its other oral steroids or injectable steroids, light compounds or heavy-duty bulkers, for blasting and cruising, Proviron during a cycle can be used to enhance the effects and increase the results. The three main ways that Proviron is used during combined steroid cycles are firstly, as a form of support during potent bulking cycles, secondly, as an anti-catabolic during cutting cycles, or thirdly, as a restorative agent during PCT after cycle of powerful steroids such as a Halotestin cycle for example. It is said to have better effects than Rebirth PCT vs Clomid for this.
Here are 3 examples of the different ways that a combined Proviron cycle can be done effectively:
- Proviron results in a cycle for bulking
The benefits of Proviron in cycles aimed at bulking, where a testosterone-base is used, is that the estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia can be avoided. By adding Mesterolone in a bulking cycle with Testosterone Enanthate and Dianabol, involving a Proviron dose of just 50mg daily for 6 weeks, the results of Proviron on the cycle will include up to 10-20lbs of extra muscle mass. For example:
Weeks 1-4
Methandienone (Dianabol) – 50mg dose per day
Testosterone Enanthate (Test E) – 500mg dose per week
Weeks 5-10
Mesterolone (Proviron) – 50mg dose per day
Testosterone Enanthate (Test E) – 500mg dose per week
Weeks 13-14
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) – 40mg dose per day
Weeks 15-16
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) – 20mg dose per day
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- Proviron benefits for cutting cycles
The major benefits of using a medium dose of Mesterolone in a cutting cycle is its ability to promote results in the form of lean muscle gain while preserving any existing muscle during a calorie deficit. Proviron’s effects will also prevent the results from including water retention and gynecomastia when using Testosterone as base to a cutting cycle. For example:
Weeks 1-4
Testosterone Propionate (Test Prop) – 100mg dose every other day
Weeks 5-8
Mesterolone (Proviron) – 50mg dose per day
Testosterone Propionate (Test Prop) – 100mg dose every other day
Weeks 11-12
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) – 40mg dose per day
Weeks 13-14
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) – 20mg dose per day
- Proviron for PCT: The benefits
Proviron during PCT is a classic way of using the steroid. It is a great way to secure the results from the cycle. We advise taking a low Nolvadex dose of 20mg along with a lower Mesterolone dose of 25-50mg for a shorter length of 2 weeks. Here is the example:
Weeks 1-8
Testosterone Enanthate (Test E) – 500mg dose per week
Trenbolone Enanthate (Tren E) – 400mg dose per week
Weeks 11-12
Mesterolone (Proviron) – 25-50mg dose per day
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) – 20mg dose per day Hopefully, we’ve provided a good deal of information to those who struggle with the use of Proviron. Not all people will agree on how to cycle this drug, whether during a steroid cycle or as part of PCT, but not everyone is made the same. If there are any questions, we would be happy to answer them for you.