Crossfit and steroid cycle. What to use and how much? Here are a few tips.

CrossFit And Steroid Cycles: Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Are you an athlete looking to compete in CrossFit? Do you want to use steroids to take your fitness to a new level but don’t know how to get started with them? Then you are in the right place.

The CrossFit training system helps one develop many physical qualities, including strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, etc. It includes elements of different sports:

  • Weightlifting
  • Bodybuilding
  • Athletics
  • Fitness
  • Powerlifting, etc.

The workouts include AFAP (As Fast As Possible), EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute), etc.

Now, steroid use can help you reach your CrossFit training goals in a short space of time. You can benefit from steroids’ ability to improve recovery times. Steroids can also increase strength and muscular endurance that are prerequisites in CrossFit.

However, you can’t choose just any steroid for the purpose. In this blog post, we will talk about the best steroids to use for CrossFit. We will also tell you how much of the steroid is necessary for achieving your desired results. What’s more, you can find a few tips on steroid use for CrossFit in this post.

Thus, if you are interested in knowing about CrossFit and steroid cycles in detail, consider going through the rest of the post properly.

Steroids You Can Use For CrossFit

Anabolic steroids that you can use for CrossFit include all forms of Testosterone (Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Mix, etc.), Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise), Oxandrolone (Anavar), Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron), Stanozolol (Winstrol), Turniabol, etc. You can also use HGH.

Make sure you read the sections below to know about these steroids in detail.

1. Testosterone (Propionate/ Enanthate/ Cypionate/ Mix)

Testosterone is a great tool to use for achieving your desired physical qualities. It primarily works by enhancing protein synthesis, increasing nitrogen retention, and boosting red blood cell production. It also boosts IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1) output.

Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to different parts of the body. Thus, a boost in red blood cell count caused by steroid use leads to enhanced endurance. Another great advantage of using Testosterone is that it can increase strength levels, which allows the user to push harder during workouts. Also, Testosterone’s ability to improve recovery time makes it a perfect choice for CrossFit.

How Much Testosterone Should You Take?

Testosterone doses can vary depending on the user’s needs, experience, etc. However, if you a first-time steroid user, then you can begin with a small dose and increase it gradually.

The standard dosage of Testosterone Propionate is 150mg every other day. For Testosterone Enanthate, the recommended dose is 500mg per week. If you are using Testosterone Cypionate, then you can consider injecting 400-600mg per week. Testosterone cycles usually last for 8-12 weeks.

Possible Side Effects Of Testosterone

Testosterone can cause both estrogenic and androgenic side effects. The estrogenic ones include enlarged breast tissues in men, water retention, high blood pressure, etc. This steroid can also cause acne, hair loss, body hair growth, a deepening of the voice, and more.

Another thing you need to know here is that supplementing with this anabolic steroid can suppress the production of natural testosterone in the body. To deal with it, you should consider taking PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) medications.

Testosterone Cycles For CrossFit

For CrossFit, you can stack Testosterone Propionate with Trenbolone Acetate, Masteron, HGH, and Arimidex. Here is a sample plan that you can follow:

Week 1-2: Testosterone Propionate (200mg every other day) + HGH (4iu per day) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

Week 3-4: Testosterone Propionate (200mg every other day) + Trenbolone Acetate (100mg every other day) + HGH (4iu per day) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

Week 5-8: Testosterone Propionate (200mg every other day) + Trenbolone Acetate (100mg every other day) + Masteron (100mg every other day) + HGH (4iu per day) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

Week 9-10: Testosterone Propionate (100mg every other day) + Trenbolone Acetate (200mg every other day) + Masteron (200mg every other day) + HGH (4iu per day) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

Week 11-12: Testosterone Propionate (100mg every other day) + Trenbolone Acetate (200mg every other day) + Masteron (200mg every other day) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

2. Equipoise

Equipoise or Boldenone Undecylenate is another anabolic steroid that can contribute to achieving your CrossFit training goals. Its effect on endurance and strength makes it an ideal choice for performance athletes. Equipoise works by increasing the number of red blood cells, resulting in enhanced endurance. Also, this steroid is a good option when it comes to gaining strength. What’s more, if you want faster recovery from workouts, you can use Equipoise.

How Much Equipoise Should You Take?

Following the dosage instructions is imperative when using Equipoise. The recommended dosage of Equipoise for most steroids cycles in 400mg per week. Female users should take 50mg per week.

The steroid cycle can last between 8 and 12 weeks. You can stack Equipoise with Testosterone Propionate and Anavar.

Possible Side Effects of Equipoise

Equipoise aromatizes, but at a lower rate than Testosterone. Thus, the estrogenic side effects of Equipoise exist. They include gynecomastia, water retention, etc. However, for most users, they are easy to control. This steroid can also produce androgenic side effects such as acne, excessive body hair growth, and more. It can also cause suppression of natural testosterone production. Here again, you should implement a PCT plan once the steroid cycle is over to normalize the production of body hormones.

Equipoise Cycles For CrossFit

You can use Equipoise in combination with Testosterone Propionate, Anavar, and Arimidex to achieve your CrossFit goals. Here’s a sample plan that you can implement:

Week 1-6: Testosterone Propionate (100mg every other day) + Equipoise (400mg per week) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

Week 7-10: Testosterone Propionate (100mg every other day) + Equipoise (400mg per week) + Anavar (50mg per day) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

Week 11-12: Testosterone Propionate (100mg every other day) + Anavar (50mg per day) + Arimidex (0.5mg every other day)

3. Turinabol

Oral Turnibaol has been a favorite among athletes who compete in competitive sports of physical skill for a long time. The reason for this is that this steroid promotes endurance significantly. Turinabol use can also result in a noticeable improvement in strength. It can have a positive impact on power and speed. What’s more, it can increase the rate of recovery.

How Much Turinabol Should You Take?

The best thing about Turinabol is that both men and women can use this steroid. The standard oral Turinabol dose for male users is 15-40mg per day. For females, the recommended dosage of Turinabol is 2.5-5 mg per day. Turinabol cycles usually fall in the 6-8 week range.

Possible Side Effects Of Turinabol

Turinabol is one of those anabolic steroids that do not convert into estrogen. Therefore, you don’t need to be worried about the conditions like gynecomastia, water retention, etc. However, androgenic side effects such as acne, accelerated hair loss, etc. are possible with Turinabol use. This steroid can impact cardiovascular health by LDL levels. Oral Turinabol can also cause liver damages. You should implement a PCT plan once you discontinue the use of this steroid. It will aid in normalizing natural testosterone production.

Turinabol Cycles For CrossFit

You can consider taking 40mg of Turinabol per day in combination with 100mg of Testosterone Propionate every other day.

4. Winstrol

Winstrol or Stanozolol is another well- known steroid that one can use for CrossFit. It offers numerous benefits for athletes. First, it can cause an increase in strength levels. It is one of the main reasons why Winstrol is popular among performance athletes. It also increases endurance by boosting red blood cell count.

How Much Winstrol Should You Take?

The recommended dose of Winstrol for performance enhancement for men is 25-50mg per day. If you are using the oral version, then you can consider taking 25mg per day. For the injectable version of Winstrol, the standard dosage is 50mg every other day. The recommended dosage of Winstrol for female performance athletes is 5mg per day.

Possible Side Effects of Winstrol

Since Winstrol doesn’t aromatize, It will not produce any estrogenic side effects. Nevertheless, this steroid can still cause androgenic side effects such as enlargement of breasts in men, water retention, etc. It can also suppress natural testosterone production significantly. You must take PCT medications to normalize the natural hormone production in your body.

Other anabolic steroids that you can use for CrossFit include Primobolan, Masteron, Halotestin, etc.

A Few Tips On Steroid Use For CrossFit

Here are a few tips that will help you get the best results from steroid use:

Tip 1: You should do regular exercise and follow your diet plan when using steroids.

Tip 2: If you are a beginner, you should not take more than the dose recommended. It will increase the probability of possible side effects.

Tip 3: You should implement a PCT plan after every steroid cycle.

Tip 4: You should choose a reliable online store to buy steroids for CrossFit.

If you want to know more about CrossFit and steroid cycles, then you can contact us. Our friendly customer support team will be more than happy to answer your queries.

Blast and Cruise protocols: Full overview on them and its benefits

If you’ve ever done research on crazybulk anvarol anabolic steroids, then there’s a high chance that you have heard of a blast and cruise protocol. 

If this is the first time of hearing about a blast and cruise, then you may not be sure what this means. There is a lot of information out there that can be daunting for people new to this topic 

Although there is a lot of good information out there, there is also a lot of bad information, so if you are looking to find some easy to understand information about blasting and cruising, then this article is for you.

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Blasting and Cruising protocol, basically, means that you do not come off steroids. 

Yes, there are some users out there who do not fully come off steroids, this is what a blast and cruise is. When I first read about this, I thought there must something wrong, I mean, lots of questions popped into my mind. I already had a good amount of knowledge on steroids, so I knew that using them for extended periods wasn’t the healthiest idea, until I found out about blasting and cruising, essentially this means the user will be taking steroids year-round, let me explain it properly. 

So, for a regular Testosterone cycle, for example, the user would typically use a dose between 250-750mg per week for a cycle in the range of 10-16 weeks before coming off completely for around 8 weeks. When a person follows a blast and cruise protocol, however, this will look quite different. During the blast phase of this protocol, doses of Testosterone will be the same as a regular cycle, between 250-750mg for 10-16 weeks, but the difference comes after this period. Instead of coming of Testosterone and running a PCT, you will then enter your cruise period, during this time you will drop your dose of Testosterone to a level similar to a TRT dose, around 125-150mg per week. 

To summarise, a blast phase will be the same as a regular cycle, and the cruise phase will be instead of a PCT protocol, during this time it is typically advised to only run low doses of Testosterone, however low doses of a compound like Primobolan may also be used by some people.

Most users would continue to cruise until they are ready to go through their next blast, usually, this will last a few months. That’s why most people won’t ever go over 2 blasts per year, while some do it only once yearly. 

By doing so, the users are able to let their liver enzymes, lipids as well as other functions (generally – their health) return back to a normal state. The cruising is very important here because the testosterone levels that you run during the cruise are going to help the user to maintain the muscle mass that he was able to gain during the blast protocol.

Why would someone want to do so? Well, the main reason why blasting and cruising users decide to go through this protocol is to avoid the potential hormonal imbalances caused by Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). Running a PCT, the user is basically risking hormonal imbalances as the body tries to recover. 

For example, a normal steroid cycle of approximately 14 or 16 weeks is often followed by a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT), and compounds like Nolvadex, Clomid or Proviron for PCT are used. 

During the time that these products are used for helping the user restore the natural abilities of the body to produce testosterone, the compounds also come with potential negative side effects too, and then again, the user has an imbalance in hormones during this. 

Although most users will go through their PCT with no issues, we are all different and that’s why for some people it just doesn’t work well and they don’t want to go through it. They think that this is not worth it going back through all the struggle of recovering and bouncing back again. And this means that they are going through both mental and physical changes. 

With blasting and cruising, you do not need a PCT plan. The Post Cycle Therapy is made for you to avoid low testosterone levels, but with a Blast and Cruise Protocol – the natural testosterone production is not a problem anymore due to the administration of testosterone every week of about 125 – 150 mg.

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What’s the Blast?

A blast is when a person is using multiple compounds at the same time in order to put on a lot of size. Most of the people are going to go through only one or maximum 2 blasts in a year and that’s because the more you have, the more is the risk. With 1-2 per year, you greatly minimize the risks of affecting your health and receiving negative side effects.

The blasting is what puts your body under a lot of stress and makes it unhealthy if not used properly. The blast means that you are running multiple anabolic and androgenic steroids (AAS) for several months. Using lots of steroids together for long periods of time is stressful for your body.

As soon as the blasting is finished (there are different types of blasts), the anabolic steroid user is going to come back to his usual cruising dosage and would continue doing so until the user is being ready to go through his next blast. But usually this is lasting months. That’s why most of people won’t ever go over 2 blasts per year, while some do it only once yearly.

By doing so, the users are able to let their liver enzymes, their lipids as well as other functions (generally – their health) to return back to the normal state. The cruising is very important here because the testosterone levels that you run during the cruise is going to help the user to maintain the muscle mass that he was able to gain during the blasting protocol. This is the reason why cruising with other compounds than testosterone is not considered actual cruising.

View of a muscled man on a black background in artistic, fitness and bodybuilding poses.

Why would someone want to do so? Well, the main reason why blasting and cruising users decide to go through this protocol is to avoid the hormonal disturbance of the Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). Running a PCT, the user is basically receiving a hormonal rollercoaster and a lot of people wanted to stop it.

For example, a normal steroid cycle of approximately 14 or 16 weeks is very often being followed by a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and the PCT is usually done with some medicines like for example Nolvadex or Clomid (most often).

In the time that these products are used for helping the user to restore the natural abilities of the body to produce the testosterone, the compounds are also coming with negative side effects too and then again, the user has a misbalance in hormones during this.

Although many people are going through this very well, we are all different and that’s why, for some people it just doesn’t work well and they don’t want to go through it again. They think that this is not worth it going back through all the struggle of recovering and bouncing back again. And this means that they are going through both mental and physical changes.

With blasting and cruising, you do not need a PCT plan. The Post Cycle Therapy is made for you to avoid low testosterone levels, but with a Blasting and Cruising Protocol – the natural testosterone production is not a problem anymore due to the administration of testosterone every week of about 100 – 200 mg. Once again, that’s why is so important to run specifically testosterone during cruising, otherwise, that’s not a cruising. It basically means that the person is replacing the natural hormones.

Blast and Cruise Protocol (doses and cycle logs) 

There are multiple blast and cruise cycles with many different compounds in various dosages that you can administer. They all depend on several different factors such as your size, tolerance, ultimate goals, and so on and so forth. However, below we would give you an example of a really good blast and cruise cycle which is quite common among many people. 

You can find below what it looks like in a simple blast and cruise cycle example:

  • 8 weeks of Testosterone for 150 mg per week (usually, Testosterone Enanthate). 

Those are the weeks (roughly 2 months), which are considered your “cruise” protocol. But then, this is followed by blasting, for example: 

  • First 4 weeks with Dianabol 50 mg per day 
  • 14 weeks cycle length with Testosterone Enanthate 500 mg per week 
  • 14 weeks with Deca Durabolin 400 mg per week. 

Once again, this is just an example of blasting, there are many others. For example, there are people who might want to change Dianabol for something else, usually, that’s going to be either Superdrol or Anadrol. This is different based on your own preferences and the final results desired. After you end your blasting cycle of 14 weeks, (this can be shorter or longer, again, based on your needs and preferences), you need to switch back to 8 weeks of low dosage of 125 – 150 mg per week of Testosterone.

Basically, the cruising doesn’t change. You could use it for shorter or longer or higher or lower doses as well as various testosterone versions, but most often, it remains Testosterone Enanthate for 8 weeks at 125 – 150 mg per week.

Most people change the blasting protocol – steroid users can add Winstrol (Stanozolol) and Trenbolone to their blast if they want. Again, it depends on your personal preferences and goals.

What I highly recommend is to do blood work every 3 months or so, this way, you can check your lipids, liver as well as other organs in order to make sure that they function properly and you are healthy enough, as well as to make sure that the protocol doesn’t affect your health (and your organs, obviously) too much.

In addition to that, is very important for you to remember that this is a commitment, which means that you will need to inject absolutely every week in order to maintain your hormone levels at the higher end. Without doing so, you risk the chance of side effects. 

Other than that, is highly recommended to have a healthy diet and generally – a healthy lifestyle with a balanced nutrient-dense diet and proper exercise regime. Find out the best steroids for CrossFit, weightlifting, and other types of sport.

It is also highly recommended to get yourself some cycle-supporting products and supplements. This especially applies to the blasting cycle when your body is put under much more stress. Dieting, exercising regularly, and using supplements would make sure that you remain as healthy as possible and that you properly protect your organs. 

For example, many oral steroids affect your liver in a bad way. In order to protect it, avoiding anything that affects your liver such as OTC medicines, alcohol consumption, and various other factors is highly recommended. Using liver-protecting supplements like Liv.52 can greatly help as well.  The Blast and Cruise Protocol, as with almost anything in this life, comes with Pros and Cons. Here are 3 most obvious and biggest Pros and 3 most obvious and biggest Cons: 

Advantages of blasting on cycle 

  • Faster goals reach 
  • Steady gains without interruption 
  • No hormonal misbalance during the PCT cycle 

Disadvantages of blasting

  • Commitment 
  • You would require weekly injections for a long time 
  • It may have a more negative impact on your health and organs

PCT after blasting and cruising 

Another very important thing to keep in mind is that when you would want to come off your entire blast and cruise cycle, then that can be quite a hard process since is hard to fully recover normally. This highly depends on how long you have been blasting and cruising too. Obviously – the longer you’ve been on your blasting and cruising cycle, then the harder is going to be to fully recover from it. 

This is the reason why many people who are not doing it professionally, opt for shorter blasting and cruising cycles. Professionals, usually, go for longer blast and cruise cycles as they have enough experience and knowledge on how to do it properly and how to fully recover easier. 

You might find online (on different steroid forums and blogs as well as other sources) various different strong protocols that are going to help you to recover back from a blast and cruise cycle. 

Despite the fact that many of them are indeed helpful, we need to warn you to do a lot of research on this first, that’s because there have been situations when users did not fully recover from their blasting and cruising. In some instances, this can be unhealthy, but it does come with negative side effects (nasty symptoms). 

Is very important for anyone to remember this when you consider starting the blasting and cruising protocol. While this can be super effective, is not meant for everyone. Only start one when you have enough experience with steroids and enough knowledge based on the research you’ve previously done. 

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy)

When coming off of a blast and cruise protocol, it is important to run a complete PCT protocol. Due to the amount of time these cycles last, it is vital that natural hormonal function is restored as quickly as possible. This means that you will need to use Clomid, Nolvadex, and hCG. Below I will place an example of this PCT protocol.

  • Weeks 1 and 2, run 50mg of Clomid and 40mg of Nolvadex per day
  • Weeks 3 and 4, run 25mg of Clomid and 20mg of Nolvadex per day
  • Weeks 1, 2, and 3, run 1500IUs of hCG, 3 times per week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) 


As you can see from the information provided, there are pros and cons to running a blast and cruise protocol, just like there are pros and cons to a more traditional steroid cycle. The main factor to take into account is whether or not this type of cycle will benefit your goals. For a beginner, it is typically not advisable to run a blast and cruise, however, for the more experienced user, looking to maximize their progression, this could be the perfect way to do so. 

How to use, mix, dose and inject HGH?

Growth hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. Its main function is to help our bones, muscles and tissues grow properly. It is important that your level of growth hormone remains balanced during childhood and adolescence. As you get older, you may need additional HGH to keep your muscles toned and strong, regulate metabolic functions, and have a healthy immune system. 

HGH is an effective drug for many athletes in bodybuilding (especially when you combine growth hormone with testosterone for an excellent synergistic effect). Plus, do not forget about the rejuvenating effects of this drug. 

How to inject and reconstitute HGH?

HGH injections are available in the form of powder. The amount of powder should be indicated on the vial. The amount can be indicated either in IU or in milligrams (mg). If you have milligrams, then it can be converted into IU according to the formula: 1mg = 3 IU. This formula is used by most manufacturers. Typically, the vial contains 10 IU of active substance.

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What do you need for human growth hormone injections?

Before learning how to reconstitute HGH powder, you must make sure you have these things:  

  • Insulin syringes for injections. 
  • Sterile or bacteriostatic water for dilution. 
  • Syringes with a long needle. 
  • Cotton balls with alcohol or alcohol wipes for skin and ampoules. 

Some manufacturers put water and syringes right in the package.

How to reconstitute HGH prior to the HGH injection?

HGH powder can be diluted in a variety of solutions. Water for injection (the most common and cheapest option), Lidocain (helps control injection pain, but doesn’t make much sense since HGH injections are not painful), and Bacteriostatic water (bacteriostatic water prevents bacteria from multiplying inside the vial.)

There is no such thing as a 2 IU HGH syringe, so a 0.5ml insulin syringe will be sufficient for this dose. In terms of how to mix HGH 10IU doses, a 1ml insulin syringe will be required.

How much bacteriostatic water is needed to mix with HGH? 

Typically, bacteriostatic water is available for sale in a 30ml vial. 

How to mix HGH 10IU with bacteriostatic water? You should use 1ml of bacteriostatic water for every 10IU of HGH. So, one 30ml vial of water will last you 300IU of HGH. 

Thanks to the preservatives in bacteriostatic water, HGH will be able to survive for up to 28 days while being refrigerated at 36-46°F.

When can I use HGH? 

Many beginners who use growth hormone for the first time don’t know how to use this drug correctly. It should be noted that the way you use HGH directly depends on your goals. This product has the following pharmacological effects: 

  • Accelerated tissue recovery 
  • Prevention of age-related changes 
  • Muscle building and fat burning properties 
  • Stimulation of lipolysis 

If you use HGH for anti-aging benefits, you can get a decent result at a dosage of 2-3 IU per day. A dose of 5-10 IU per day is recommended to prevent injuries. If your goal is to strengthen the ligaments, then you should use 4-6 IU. You can try using from 5 to 20 IU per day to achieve fat-burning effect. If you want to add muscle mass, then try 10-15 IU (for amateurs), or 25-30 IU (for professionals) and this course can last for 2-3 months. 

You should consult with a specialist if you are unsure of the correct dosage for your needs. Please also make sure you know how to inject HGH safely before performing HGH injections by yourself.

HGH schemes 

There are different schemes for using human growth hormone. Remember that they are calculated depending on your goals. HGH for weight loss is used by both athletes and ordinary people. In addition, the HGH course can be used for general recovery. 

Let’s start with the fact that the benefits of using growth hormone are achieved very slowly. Do you want to gain muscle mass in a few weeks with just a couple of injections? We must disappoint you. Hormones have a lot of positive effects, but a HGH course is a long-term process. If you have chosen to take HGH injections, then keep in mind that it will take a long time to achieve the desired results. 

You can add testosterone, insulin, and thyroid hormones to the HGH course to maximize the effect. 

Any course of growth hormone should be based on the following principle (regardless of your goals): start with lower doses, and then slightly increase the dose. This will help you avoid or at least minimize various side effects such as swelling, bloating and joint pain. 

Most people use doses of up to 2 IU with minimal side effects. Therefore, a 2 IU HGH dose is the best option for those who have only just started using HGH. In case of higher doses, it is recommended to use this drug in two equally divided doses per day (e.g. For 4 IU daily, you will take one 2 IU HGH syringe dose in the morning and one in the evening.)

How do I calculate the dosage for 2 IU HGH syringe? 

There are no formulas for calculating how much growth hormone should be used to receive certain results. The dosage also depends on the quality of the drug. If you use a high-quality drug, you can see pretty good results using only 3-4 IU per day.

If this dose is insufficient, then you should try 5-6 IU before you see the most noteworthy result. If you use an extremely low-quality product, you might even need 7-8 IU to get the same effect.

How to choose the HGH cycle duration? 

This drug does not reduce your natural production of testosterone, so you can use it much longer. It is recommended to use HGH injections for a minimum of 20 weeks to get decent results. The quality of the drug will determine how much you should use every day. 

Note that solo course might not be enough to achieve sustainable results: you need to use other drugs as well (HGH, insulin, anabolic steroids). HGH is an ideal drug when used in combination with anabolic steroids. Experienced users often combine HGH with testosterone, Boldenone and Dbol.

How to mix HGH correctly? 

Use one of the following agents to dilute the drug: 

  • Water for injection – You can buy this in a pharmacy and store the drug in the refrigerator at a temperature of 36-46°F for about two weeks. 
  • Lidocaine – You can also buy it in a pharmacy and the storage time is about two weeks in the refrigerator at a temperature of 36-46°F. 
  • Bacteriostatic water – You can significantly extend the shelf-life of the diluted drug to up to 3-4 weeks in the refrigerator at a temperature of 36-46°F. 

Take the vial and wipe the top with an alcohol pad (you can use a cotton ball moistened with alcohol). Use a long needle to extract the liquid contents from the vial. 

Place the needle on the syringe and withdraw the necessary fluid amount to dilute the powder. Make sure you remember how much fluid you used. The main rule is to use the right fluid amount that will make it easy to measure the solution. 

Take the syringe and add the liquid into the powder. The needle should touch the ampoule wall, while the liquid should flow down the ampoule wall. Do not rush, add the liquid slowly. 

When all the liquid is added to the powder, gently rotate the ampoule (DO NOT shake the ampoule) until the powder completely dissolves. You will get a clear liquid after dilution. 

After that, store HGH injections in the refrigerator. If you use bacteriostatic water to dilute the powder, then the drug can be used within three weeks. If you use sterile water, the drug can be used within 5 days.

Remove the resulting solution from the vial back into the syringe. Wait until all the air bubbles are gone. 

How to use HGH injections during the day? 

It is not recommended to perform injections in the evening or immediately after meals. Somatropin will work better if you take it before meals. The best time for HGH injection is when your stomach is still empty then wait at least 30 mins before you eat. You can divide it in two doses: for example, in the morning and after your workout. 

If you’re taking insulin with HGH, be sure to follow our recommendations. Start with the HGH injection, and then use insulin only 20 minutes later. Do not break these rules for the use of HGH and insulin. Certain foods can raise blood sugar levels and promote insulin secretion. Therefore, it is recommended to use HGH before or 2 hours after your breakfast. 

Can you use HGH before going to bed? If you want to gain muscle mass faster, then do not do injections before going to bed. This procedure will only suppress your natural secretion. Therefore, most young, and middle-aged athletes should use HGH in the morning. 

As for the cutting phase, you can perform HGH injections even at night (somatropin will work well while you are sleeping). 

Can you feel when somatropin works? Of course, you can. You will notice water retention and swelling of the face, arms, and fingers. Nevertheless, some athletes do not feel any changes.

How to give a painless HGH Injection? 

HGH injections are administered into the area just under the skin. Change the place of administration regularly. Specialists recommend injecting different areas of your abdomen. But you can also choose triceps or delts. In these places, the needle will go easier through the skin.

Here are some instructions on how to inject HGH without feeling any pain:

First, wash your hands with soap and water before attempting HGH injections. Draw the substance up into the insulin syringe. Use your hand to make a wrinkle (fold) in the skin on the abdomen. Make sure to insert the needle at a 45-degree angle (parallel to the skin). The injection must be done in the area between the skin and the muscles. Slowly inject the drug. 

You should not remove the syringe immediately. Hold the needle in the body for 5-10 seconds, finish the injection and remove the needle. 

Do not inject into the same place every day. You should periodically change the place of injections to avoid lipodystrophy (the destruction of subcutaneous fat). 

HGH injections are used only on an empty stomach (you must be hungry). You should not eat at least 40 minutes after the injection to get the maximum effect from the drug. 

The interval between injections should be at least 4-5 hours. 

If you plan to do injections in the morning, then do it as soon as you wake up. The second injection should be made immediately after a workout or just before going to bed. Follow a strict diet during the use of HGH injections (a high-protein diet is recommended).

How to store the HGH 

Firstly, remember that HGH injections should be kept away from heat. Therefore, as soon as you get the vials, they need to be kept in the refrigerator (or freezer). For example, the undiluted drug can be stored for up to 1 year in the refrigerator at a temperature of 36-46°F, and up to 2 years in the freezer. The diluted drug must be stored in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer in any case.

Useful tips and precautions for growth hormone injections 

Well, it’s time to sum up how to inject HGH painlessly and effectively: 

  • It is necessary to do injections into the area between the skin and the muscles. The best place for subcutaneous injection is the abdominal region.
  • Change the injection areas periodically, since HGH use can cause lipodystrophy. 
  • Perform injections only with clean hands. The neck of the ampoule should be wiped with a napkin or alcohol. 
  • Hold the syringe at an angle of 45 degrees. Slowly inject the drug and hold the syringe for 5-10 seconds to prevent leaking problems. 
  • Do not allow air bubbles to enter the syringe. 
  • Only do injections on an empty stomach and do not eat for at least 40 minutes after the injection to ensure the maximum effect. 
  • 4 hours is the minimum interval between doses. 
  • Morning injections should be done immediately when you wake up. The second injection should be done before going to bed. 
  • Follow a high-protein diet – at least 2-3 g per 1 kg of weight per day.

Comparison Winstrol vs Anavar: Which steroid better?

The question of “Winstrol or Anavar” is one of the biggest in the bodybuilding community. Both performance enhancers have been around for a long time and are considered the best of the best. There can only be one definitive winner, though, so which one is really better?  

About Winstrol 

Winstrol is among the most popular anabolic steroids for building muscle and losing fat. Also called Winny or Stanozolol, Winstrol stands out for coming with less chance of side-effects compared to running similar drugs like a Halotestin cycle.  

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People use Winstrol during cutting phases to shred body fat and maintain a defined “solid” look to their physique. Winstrol also improves nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. Outside of building muscle, Winstrol helps with strengthening ligaments and tendons.

Men take Winstrol in doses of between 25 – 100mg per day, while women prefer smaller doses of between 5mg and 15mg per day.

Read More About Proviron Dosage

Winstrol is one of the few compounds safe for female users, it will provide lean, good quality muscle tissue without the risk of added fluid retention. On top of this, it will also allow for better training sessions due to its ability to improve the user’s endurance and recovery.

Winstrol Advantages

For male users, Winstrol provides the perfect benefits to a cutting cycle, similar to Primobolan advantages, as it allows the user to maintain muscle tissue whilst in a calorie deficit, removes excess water, creating a dry, hard looking physique, and doesn’t come with estrogenic side effects. It is often stacked in a testosterone propionate cycle.

About Anavar

Anavar is another popular cutting cycle steroid for bodybuilders. Anavar helps bodybuilders to lose weight and body fat safely and effectively. Anavar is considered a Schedule III drug and managed under the Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990 in the United States.  

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It can be obtained through a medical prescription for debilitating health conditions, including HIV/AIDS-related wasting and osteoporosis. It is also prescribed to improve body weight following intense surgery or trauma.

The size of an Anavar dose depends on current body weight. Male athletes take 0.125mg of Anavar per kilogram of body weight per day, for doses of between 20 and 100mg per day. Female athletes stick to doses of between 2.5mg and 20mg per day. 

Read More About Deca Durabolin dosage

Anavar Advantages

Anavar is considered one of the safest and most effective compounds for beginners even in their 1st steroid cycle. Its effects are sometimes compared to Primobolan benefits or even HGH benefits, as long as beginners know how to inject HGH. It has a very low androgenic rating meaning there is a very low risk of side effects. Anavar doesn’t cause the development of secondary male sexual characteristics like other steroids can do so it is considered a great choice for women. CrossFit women on steroids commonly use Anavar along with their training.  
Due to its mild nature, Anavar can also be stacked with a range of other steroids, including in an Equipoise stack, in a Proviron cycle and Human Growth Hormone bodybuilding cycles. Equipoise, Proviron and HGH results will be enhanced with the use of Anavar, which makes it a great option for male users as it allows for additional benefits and improvements to muscle growth from the EQ and HGH dose, and Proviron will ensure this is without adding more stress to the body.

Anavar vs. Winstrol – Which is Better? 

Winstrol and Anavar are both used as part of a cutting cycle to reduce body fat and overall weight. With that said, there are some subtle differences between the two. Users report strength gains with Anavar are better than Winstrol, while Winstrol is better for building lean muscle mass. In terms of blasting and cruising, you’d generally use Winstrol for fat loss on a blast and Anavar for muscle preservation on a cruise. One of the main drawbacks of using Winstrol is that it is tougher on the joints than Anavar, but Anavar costs more to purchase.  

Anavar comes out on top in terms of a direct comparison because it doesn’t lead to aromatization or virilization. This characteristic is what makes it suited for both men and women alike. With that said, many athletes choose Winstrol because they say it is better for muscle hardening. Anavar can cause pumps with cardio, but Winstrol has a more significant negative impact on joint health, cholesterol, and hairline. You should consider buying post-cycle therapy products for either a Winstrol or Anavar cycle. We recommended you check out Rebirth PCT reviews, or buy Clomid or Nolvadex from our store for PCT.

Below we will place a Winstrol and Anavar comparison table for you to see the key differences between the two.

Winstrol vs Anavar comparison chart:

Effect  Increases lean muscle tissue Improves physical performance Expels fluid from the bodyIncreases lean muscle tissue Improves physical performance
Active half life   9 hours 8 hours
Dosage for males  25 – 100mg per day20 – 100mg per day
Dosage for females  5 – 15mg per day5 – 20mg per day
Water retention  NoneNone
Hepatotoxicity   Moderate hepatoxicity Mild hepatotoxicity 
Acne   Yes Yes
PCT products  Clomid (Promifen by Alpha Pharma) and/or Nolvadex (Altamofen by Alpha Pharma)Clomid (Promifen by Alpha Pharma) and/or Nolvadex (Altamofen by Alpha Pharma)
Price per pill   $0.52 per 10mg pill   (Price based on Alpha Pharma Rexobol 10mg) $1.96 per 10mg pill   (Price based on Alpha Pharma Oxanabol 10mg)
Price per cycle   $104 for a 6-week cycle at 50mg   (Price based on Alpha Pharma Rexobol 10mg) $490 for a 6-week cycle at 50mg   (Price based on Alpha Pharma Oxanabol 10mg)
– for male   Yes Yes
– for female   Yes Yes

Ultimately, the question of which one is better comes down to which one would be better for you. Ask yourself what you want out of your performance enhancer, and then choose the steroid that meets those needs.  

Effective Rebirth PCT protocol: Comparison with other Anti-Estrogens


Whether you’re planning to run anabolic androgenic steroids, prohormones or SARMs chances are that you will require a Post Cycle Therapy.

PCT is important for several things. It helps you bring your body’s natural testosterone production back after a cycle.

This is very important because if your testosterone stays low, you might lose gains, strength and energy.

I’m going to be providing you with the most used Post cycle therapy (PCT) protocols.

These protocols will help you with recovering from any suppressive compound.

If you think you can get away with doing no PCT, please take the time to read this article.

Read more About Proviron Dosage


Clomid is often used as a PCT. It’s actually one of the most effective compounds to help restore the natural hormone system.

But, besides being the most effective, it also has the most harsh effects on the body.

In case you aren’t familiar with Clomid, it’s a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). It’s often referred to as Clomifene or Clomiphene.

It is actually used to help treat infertility in woman.

But for bodybuilders and gym rats, Clomid PCT is a very popular protocol.

It has the ability to block estrogen. The main use of clomid is to stimulate testosterone production in the testes.

But using Clomid as a PCT can have serious side effects because it’s much stronger than Nolvadex.

The main side effects when using Clomid are mood swings and vision problems.

Let’s have a look at a typical Clomid PCT Protocol.

Week 150mg a day
Week 250mg a day
Week 325mg a day
Week 425mg a day

Again, this is just a typical protocol. You’ll find people that run clomid at 100mg per day in the first few weeks of PCT.

In my opinion, that is too much. Clomid is an extremely strong post cycle therapy drug and should not be abused.

Of course, it all depends on how badly your natural hormone system is suppressed.

For a simple 16 week Testosterone and Dianabol cycle, the above protocol will be sufficient. But, if you’ve been blasting and cruising for several years you will probably need a different PCT protocol.

Usually, a Clomid PCT protocol is about 4 weeks. You might see people run it for longer.

Please guys, do NOT listen to the blogs that advice crazy amounts of Clomid. This is VERY dangerous and not advised!

Read More About Proviron Benefits


Due to Clomid being quite harsh, most users seem to Prefer Nolvadex as PCT.

Nolvadex is perhaps one of the best compounds to use as a Post Cycle Therapy.

If you aren’t familiar with Nolvadex, its initial use was to help treat breast cancer. It’s also known as Tamoxifen or Tamoxifen Citrate.

Just as clomid, it is also a selective estrogen receptor modulator.

In my opinion, it’s one of the most effective and potent PCT compounds. Mainly because it’s great at restoring the natural hormone production without any nasty side effects.

However, it is not completely side effect free. Users have reported side effects such as:

  • Headaches
  • Stomach Issues
  • Hot flashes

But to be honest, this is nothing compared to the possible vision problems you can get from using Clomid.

Let’s take a look at a typical Nolvadex PCT Protocol.

Week 140mg per day
Week 240mg per day
Week 320mg per day
Week 420mg per day

A typical Nolvadex PCT will last roughly 4 weeks. With a simple Test only cycle, you’re supposed to start taking it two weeks after your cycle is finished.

Based on the many user reviews I’ve read, they all seem to give the preference to Nolvadex as a PCT.

It’s mild, effective and does exactly what you want it to do which is help recover the natural testosterone production.

Read More About Deca Durabolin dosage


You’ve probably heard of people using Nolvadex and Clomid PCT.

What is the point of using the Nolvadex and Clomid PCT?

There’s people who think Nolvadex is too weak and Clomid too strong.

This has lead to people combining them together. In my opinion, you should go with either Nolvadex or Clomid – I don’t see the point of stacking them together.

For a mild cycle, you’re probably better off using Nolvadex only.

For a heavy cycle containing multiple compounds for an extended period of time, you’ll probably require a strong PCT such as Clomid.

Nonetheless, a typical Nolvadex and Clomid PCT will look something like the following:

Week 1Nolvadex 20mg + Clomid 50mg
Week 2Nolvadex 20mg + Clomid 50mg
Week 3Nolvadex 20mg + Clomid 50mg
Week 4Nolvadex 20mg + Clomid 50mg


In addition to Clomid, Nolvadex and Proviron for PCT, there are also some over the counter post cycle therapy supplements. 

It’s always a good idea to purchase a post-cycle therapy supplement when running any type of cycle. Most muscle boosting supplements will require a PCT. 

However, when using HGH in bodybuilding, this will be one of the only instances where a PCT is not required. This is because a HGH injection does not suppress testosterone production in any way. 

There are a few natural PCT supplements that actually contain a good set of ingredients. They aren’t that expensive and will help you recover faster.  

For a cycle of legal steroids, prohormones or SARMs we suggest checking out Rebirth PCT by Huge Nutrition. An honest Rebirth PCT review will call it a highly effective anti-estrogen and testosterone booster which helps you with recovery, energy and maintaining gains.

The Rebirth post cycle therapy contains a solid formula that will make sure you keep making progress after your cycle. It contains a mix of different ingredients such as Arimistane, Zinc and Vitamin D3. 

When comparing Rebirth PCT vs Nolvadex and Clomid, it isn’t as strong as Clomid and Nolvadex but it will definitely help you with recovery. 

I mean, when you’re looking to recover from a cycle you can use all the help you can get. 

In this case, a natural post cycle therapy supplement is a great addition to speed up recovery. A lot of natural ingredients have been proven to help when it comes to boosting testosterone. 


A lot of people ask…

What Is The Best Post Cycle Therapy?

It’s a difficult question to answer. Everybody runs different compounds and dosages. 

Both Clomid and Nolvadex are great for Post Cycle Therapy. 

You’ll find people that prefer Nolvadex, but there’s plenty of people that swear by Clomid.

For what it’s worth, I think Nolvadex is the best post cycle therapy. It doesn’t have as many side effects as Clomid but is very effective. With Nolva you’ll definitely help restore natural hormone production. 

However, in some cases such as a light SARMS or Prohormones cycle, even Nolva will be too much. When doing a light cycle, you’re better off using Arimistane or Rebirth PCT. 

Which of these two substances is better? You’ll have to study Hi-Tech Pharma Arimistane and Huge Nutrition Rebirth PCT review sites for this answer. 

What I can tell you is that Rebirth PCT side effects will be less likely since it contains more natural ingredients than Arimistane. 

The most important thing is that you have at least one of these ready before the end of your steroid cycle. If your body is going to have to recover on its own, it could take up to months or years before your hormone levels are back to normal.And during that period, you’ll feel awful. You won’t have enough Testosterone which will make you feel weak, tired, and demotivated. This is something you obviously don’t want to happen.


Always get bloodwork done for your cycles. Even if it’s your 1st steroid cycle and especially if you’re blasting and cruising consistently with steroids. It’s very important to know how certain compounds have affected your lipids.

Besides that, make sure to purchase a testosterone booster like Rebirth. It’s cheap and will help you during a period of recovery.

Steroids that require a PCT include Testosterone (PCT is required after a Test E, Test C, Sustanon and Testosterone propionate cycle), Trenbolone, Anadrol, Dianabol, Boldenone, Deca Durabolin, Turinabol, either Primobolan steroid (Enanthate or Acetate), Anavar and Winstrol (Stanozolol.) It is also highly advised after a Halotestin cycle.

Of course, not only anabolic substances require PCT as you can find out in HGH supplement reviews. The same thing goes for SARMs and prohormones.

They are also suppressive which means your body will need a helping hand to produce testosterone again. If you have any experience with these compounds, and can tell others which are the best steroids for CrossFit, weightlifting, boxing, MMA, etc., please let us know in the comments down below.


A Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Is crucial for everybody that is looking to start a cycle. Performance enhancers will negatively impact your natural testosterone levels.

Once the cycle is finished, they will be extremely low. This is where a PCT is required, to help your body restore the levels back to normal.

There are many different compounds to help restore T levels.

You’ll have to find one that suits your needs since they carry different risks. I personally run Rebirth for SARMs, Prohormones and mild anabolic cycles.

If you don’t use a PCT, your endocrine system might take months if not years to fully recover. 

And if your endocrine system doesn’t recover, you’ll have low testosterone levels. This means you’ll run into several issues such as fatigue, mood swings and muscle loss.

Long story short guys, use a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and do yourself a favour.