What equipoise steroid is Primobolan Steroid?
One of the most popular steroids among athletes is Primobolan Steroid (Primo). Many bodybuilders know both esters of Methenolone by the name Primo. The two esters are Methenolone Enanthate and Methenolone Acetate. Both are known as DHT (dihydrotestosterone) steroids because they all convert into DHT once inside the body, although, there are many types of Primo available. Methenolone Enanthate is known as the injectable version of Primo (Primobolan depot) and Methenolone Acetate is known mostly as the oral version of Primobolan (Primo Tabs). However, recently, an injectable version of Methenolone Acetate has appeared on the steroid market.
Primobolan steroid is known among athletes for its beneficial effects on weight loss without necessarily affecting gains in lean muscle tissue. Voluminous diets combined with extensive training can strip off pounds quickly but the problem is that fat often comes with the pounds being stripped away. The result is that many people lose weight, but they are still left with excess skin and no substantial gain in lean muscle tissue to show for it. Add to this dilemma the physical stress that accompanies such a dramatic change in an athlete’s body composition, and you have what amounts to a ticking time bomb.
In bodybuilding, Primo is the steroid of choice when one’s goal is to strip off fat while maintaining or growing muscle tissue at the same time. The problem with this, however, is that DHT steroids are not well known for having a large anabolic effect. Even though they are 17-alpha alkylated, it has been well documented that they are not very effective when it comes to building muscle mass results and not many people in bodybuilding report strength gains of a large amount. Because of this, athletes who use Primobolan for cutting cycles in bodybuilding, combine it with injectable testosterone (propionate is the most common) in order to gain advantages such as maintaining or growing lean tissue while losing fat.

How does the steroid Primo work inside the human body (effect and results)
The way Primobolan has its effect inside the body can be explained by understanding the way DHT is broken down and converted inside the body. This steroid does not convert directly into estrogen, but rather it converts first into a more potent form of dihydrotestosterone called 5-alpha Dihydromethanabolone. From this point on, Primobolan takes on all characteristics of DHT. It binds to the androgen receptor, becoming anabolic in nature. It does not have an aromatization effect into estrogen or trigger progesterone effects either.
In addition to working as a powerful DHT cIn addition to working as a powerful DHT compound, Primobolan also has effects on other steroid receptors. For example, it can help promote IGF-1 synthesis, meaning that Primobolan helps increase the amount of IGF-1 inside the muscle tissue. This is because Primobolan has a positive effect on other types of androgen receptors, allowing for the creation of more efficient anabolic processes inside the body.
Primobolan also has a positive effect on insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and thus stimulates muscle growth. IGF-1 works in many ways like insulin does, meaning that this hormone is able to induce muscle hypertrophy, increase amino acid uptake into cells and reduce amino acid breakdown.e into cells and reduce amino acid breakdown.
This means that Primo steroid can benefit bodybuilders in two distinct phases of their training. First, it can be used in preparation for a contest as part of a cutting cycle to help strip off excess fat while maintaining or even growing muscle tissue. Second, it can be used after a competitor has dieted down by increasing the body’s ability to maintain more lean mass and grow new muscle tissue at the same time.
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Primo steroid in different other sports
As an added benefit to Primo steroid, it has recently been discovered that this compound has anti-estrogenic properties. It can actively inhibit estrogen production by binding directly to the aromatase enzyme responsible for breaking down testosterone into estrogen. This means that not only does Primobolan have the ability to block the negative effects of estrogen, but it can actually block estrogen production altogether.
This has a very positive effect on bodybuilders and athletes of other sports as anabolic steroids such as testosterone and nandrolone both aromatize heavily, causing a buildup of estrogen in the body. Estrogen is not an anabolic hormone and thus any buildup of this hormone will have bad effects on overall body composition. This is even more noticeable when the athlete stops taking steroids and begins to lose muscle tissue quickly as a result of excess estrogen in the system. It seems clear that Primobolan should be looked at as a standard addition to any post-cycle therapy protocol following anabolic steroid use.

Who can benefit from Primo?
Primo steroid is a great choice for people who want to eat carbohydrates and results such as gain lean muscle mass. This compound has many advantages, including the fact that it promotes insulin sensitivity, which means that it helps the body better metabolize carbohydrates, so they are not stored as fat. As a result of this effect, Primo can have benefits for competitive athletes who wish to cut excess fat while maintaining or growing lean muscle tissue at the same time.cle tissue at the same time.
Primobolan has many benefits for just about anyone who wishes to gain muscle mass because it works in a way that is similar to testosterone. This means that no matter what type of goals an athlete or bodybuilder might have, Primobolan can help them reach their goals quickly and easily. Even novice users will find results using this steroid.
Side effects of Primobolan
Despite the short duration of action, the steroid does not have a negative effect on the liver and does not lead to negative health consequences. Therefore, side effects of Primobolan are rare, but they are not excluded. With proper adherence to the dosage and timing of the cycle, the drug is more effective, and there are practically no side effects.
Primo side effects in women
When compared to other injectable steroids, Primobolan is quite low in both androgenic and estrogenic side effects, making this ideal for women as well. This means that female athletes can use Primobolan without worrying about developing masculine characteristics, which makes it an excellent choice to help gain lean mass quickly. Virilization and other androgenic effects can occur only if the permissible dosage is exceeded for a long period.
Primobolan side effects in men
Possible side effects in men include decreased testosterone production, aggression, and sleep problems. Primo steroid should not significantly affect the level of the athlete’s blood pressure. This side effect is very rare and manifests itself in isolated cases.
Effect on the cardiovascular system
But the most common side effect that will affect the cardiovascular system will be a change in the cholesterol balance in favor of bad cholesterol. Primobolan affects the cholesterol balance much more than testosterone, but less than most other oral steroids. Therefore, on a cycle with this steroid, it is better for an athlete to begin an additional intake of drugs that contribute to an increase in the level of good cholesterol.
Because of the threat of changing the cholesterol balance on the Primo cycle, it is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your diet should be rich in omega-3 fatty acids, but the consumption of simple carbohydrates and saturated fats is better cut. Regular cardio loads are also recommended. When taking the steroid, do not forget to systematically monitor the level of cholesterol in the body.
Effect on testosterone levels
All anabolic steroids act on the natural production of testosterone in an overwhelming way, but the rate of this suppression largely depends on the individual characteristics of the drug. The hormone Methenolone suppresses this ability less than most anabolic steroids. For example, drugs such as Testosterone, Nandrolone and Trenbolone will act on the level of natural testosterone more actively. But despite the moderate nature of the drug, experts recommend the use of additional testosterone during the Methenolone cycle. Men who ignore this point are at risk of suffering from insufficient testosterone production in the body. And remember that this process is not affected by genetics, from the lack of testosterone in the body will suffer absolutely any athlete. If you supplement your cycle with this important substance, you can expect much more positive results. But if you do not do this in the near future, you will experience quite a few negative side effects. These manifestations do not pose a threat to human life, but in time can lead to serious health problems.
After you stop taking Primobolan and the steroid is completely removed from the body, the natural production of testosterone will be resumed. It should be noted that this drug promises an athlete a fairly easy recovery course. However, the best option will be a competent post-cycle therapy that will help the body to restore its natural functions faster and provide you with additional testosterone while this process is not completed.
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Who should avoid using a Primobolan cycle?
There are also some people who should not be using Primobolan cycle. These include people who suffer from any type of cardiovascular disorder, liver, or kidney disease. For the most part, athletes should be healthy and without defects before beginning a cycle of steroids, but some conditions cannot be predicted; thus, anyone with even one of these disorders should avoid using this steroid at all costs.
Another group that would be best to avoid this compound is men who already have more than 30% body fat. Testosterone can be converted into estrogen via aromatization in higher amounts when the body is particularly fatty, so men with naturally high estrogen levels cannot use Primobolan without potentially risking negative effects.
Although Primobolan cycle does not cause many side effects for either men or women, most steroids do carry some risk of negative effects. Athletes should always be aware of the side effects associated with their chosen compounds before using them and make sure they understand what those effects are beforehand.
What are the best dosages for Primobolan?
Dosages for males
When it comes to dosages, many athletes choose to start with a low dose of 200mg-400mg per week and slowly increase the dosage as they see necessary. This is also known as an ‘escalation’ method of dosing, and it is recommended for users looking to minimize their chance of negative side effects while still gaining significant results.
Starting at such a low dose means the body will not need to process large quantities of this compound at one time, and it also allows for the possibility of slowly working your way up so you can continually monitor your reaction to new dosages.
For athletes who are more experienced with different steroids and cycles, a higher dosage of 400-600mg per week may be an option that provides even greater advantages and results. However, this method of dosing is only recommended for advanced and professional athletes who know how to properly cycle and stack different types of steroids, as it carries a much higher risk of causing negative side effects.
Dosages for females
The effect of Primobolan is mild compared to other steroids, but similar to most other steroidal substances, the dosage for women should be lower. The advised dose for females is 50-100mg per week, also gradually increasing the dose slowly if desired. This is more than enough to provide females with great results from Primo. See our Crossfit women on steroids blog.
Primobolan Solo Cycle
A primo solo cycle will involve dosages of around 300-400mg weekly with either substance. One of the advantages of Methenolone Enanthate is that it doesn’t have to be used as frequently as Methenolone Acetate. However, the benefits of Methenolone Acetate include its ability to provide results in a shorter time, so the cycle can be shorter. Therefore, a solo cycle with each type of Primobolan will look like this:
Primobolan depot (Enanthate) Solo Cycle:
Weeks 1-10 – Methenolone Enanthate (injectable Primo)– 300mg every 7 days
Primobolan depot (Acetate) Solo Cycle:
Weeks 1-8 – Methenolone Acetate (injectable Primo)– 100mg every 2 days
Primo Tabs Solo Cycle:
Weeks 1-6 – Methenolone Acetate (oral Primo) – 100mg every day

Can Primobolan be stacked with other steroids?
Stacking Primobolan with other steroids is a great way to maximize the physique-changing effects of both compounds. Generally, it is best to stack Primobolan with other steroids that increase the metabolism of body fat and aid in muscle gains. For example, for a Primobolan stacked cycle you can effective choose between Winstrol and Anavar, or pick a Primo and Proviron cycle.
If a person does not want to use other injectable steroids, they can instead stack Primo with any oral compound. When it comes to oral steroids, Primo benefits for both cutting and bulking cycles as well as used as a bridge between those two types of cycles. In this way, Primobolan can be stacked with any other oral steroid an athlete chooses to use, depending on their goals at that specific time. You can blast and cruise with this steroid.
Primo can also be stacked with any other injectable compound to produce an even greater effect than when used alone. Because injectable steroids are usually faster-acting than oral compounds, stacking them together can provide the body with more benefits in less time without overloading it with too many different compounds at once.
Primobolan also has great benefits when stacked with other injectable compounds because it has a milder effect on the liver than most other steroids, making negative side effects less likely to occur. This also makes Primobolan a great steppingstone when athletes are working their way up to more powerful compounds like Anavar or Trenbolone.
Stacking Primo with other compounds is the best way to achieve maximum efficiency and results while also lowering the risk of any potential negative side effects.
Primobolan Stacks with Other Steroids
In some cases, athletes may need to take up to 800mg of Primobolan per week for maximum advantages. This method is particularly useful when using Primobolan as a bridge between two different cycles or during the off-season, but only experienced athletes should attempt this type of dosing to prevent unwanted side effects.
When it comes to dosing, Primobolan, like most steroids, has a typically safe effect when used within normal limits. However, it’s always best to monitor your body’s reaction to any new compound you are using for the first time.
Always keep in mind that your body may not react the same way to every steroid, even if it works well for others.
Since Primobolan has a short half-life of about 6 hours, you must inject it at least twice per day, usually around 8-10 hours apart. Some athletes choose to take 4 injections per day when they use Primobolan because it may provide a slightly larger yield of gains, but this method also carries a greater risk for potential side effects.
Since Primobolan has a very mild nature, athletes can use it to give their cycle an extra boost when they’re feeling flat or uninspiring. This is one reason why Primobolan is known as ‘the comeback steroid’ because its effects act primarily on the central nervous system, giving you an energy boost when you need it.
Primobolan with Anavar
In terms of Primo benefits, Primo is often compared to Anavar, another popular steroid used by athletes looking to get lean without experiencing too much muscle growth or changes in their body’s appearance. While Primobolan and Anavar may have some similarities, Primobolan’s effects are generally considered to be milder than Anavar’s.
Anavar has a dryer consistency and is more difficult for the body to convert into estrogen, so it provides athletes with benefits of lean muscle gains without too much water retention. On the other hand, most users find that Primobolan for sale produces noticeable results within the first two weeks of use, with the gains usually stabilizing in about 4 weeks.
Primobolan depot (Enanthate) and Anavar Stacked Cycle:
Weeks 1-4 – Oxandrolone (Anavar) – 40mg every day
Weeks 1-10 – Methenolone Enanthate (injectable Primo)– 400mg every 7 days
Primobolan depot (Acetate) and Anavar Stacked Cycle:
Weeks 1-4 – Oxandrolone (Anavar) – 40mg every day
Weeks 1-8 – Methenolone Acetate (injectable Primo)– 100mg every 2 days
Primo Tabs and Anavar Stacked Cycle:
Weeks 1-4 – Oxandrolone (Anavar) – 40mg every day
Weeks 1-6 – Methenolone Acetate (oral Primo) – 100mg every day
Primobolan with Testosterone
In bodybuilding, pretty much everyone knows that testosterone should be a base steroid to most steroid cycles. Although with Primobolan it is not necessary, using testosterone in a cycle with Primobolan just enhance the advantages of both steroids. To make things easier, you can use esters of testosterone and methenolone that are similar in length in a cycle. For example:
Primobolan depot (Enanthate) and Testosterone Stacked Cycle:
Weeks 1-10 – Methenolone Enanthate (injectable Primo)– 400mg every 7 days
Weeks 1-10 – Testosterone Enanthate – 250mg every 7 days
Primobolan depot (Acetate) and Testosterone Stacked Cycle:
Weeks 1-8 – Methenolone Acetate (injectable Primo)– 100mg every 2 days
Weeks 1-8 – Testosterone Propionate – 100mg every 2 days
Primo Tabs and Testosterone Stacked Cycle:
Weeks 1-6 – Methenolone Acetate (oral Primo) – 100mg every day
Weeks 1-10 – Testosterone Propionate – 100mg every 2 days
In any case, Primo should always be used in conjunction with testosterone to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks.

What do other people say about Primobolan?
- Cory Jonathan (July 13, 2021): I have been a fan of bodybuilders for many years and ever since I started using Primobolan, I can see why they are so popular. Primobolan has helped me gain the muscle mass I needed to push myself to the next level, and these days I am able to lift heavier at the gym than ever before.
- Joshua Johnson (July 27, 2021): After using Primobolan for a few months now, I have noticed that my muscle definition has become very clear and my muscles are much more visible than before.
- Kaleb Antoine (August 2, 2021): When I decided to start using Primobolan, I was unsure of how it would affect my performance because there aren’t as many reviews about Primobolan as there are for other popular steroids. However, after just a few months, I’ve become even stronger and am enjoying the extra muscle mass that’s helped me push my goal times to new levels.
- Terrence McCray (August 18, 2021): As far as steroids go, Primobolan is one of the best because it is milder for your liver than other compounds and helps with endurance so you can work out for longer periods of time. I would definitely recommend Primobolan to anyone looking to get the best results without damaging their body or health with other harsh compounds.
- Liam Johnson (September 2, 2021): When I started using Primobolan about a year ago, it helped me push my bench press above and beyond what I thought was possible.
- Ethan Kremer (September 10, 2021): Primobolan has helped me stay lean throughout my workouts which have allowed me to not only keep most of my strength during the off-season but also avoid any unnecessary weight gain that may have slowed me down.
- Santino Vera (September 16, 2021): I’ve tried many different types of steroids before but Primobolan is definitely one of the mildest and safest on the market.
- Dwight Vincent (September 27, 2021): After switching to Primobolan from another compound that I was using last year, I was surprised at how much stronger my muscles felt even without significant weight gain.
- Cassandra Alvarez (October 19, 2021): Ever since I started using Primobolan a few years back, it helped me get stronger and more muscular without causing any of the negative side effects that typically come with other stronger compounds.
- David Nelson (October 25, 2021): There were some concerns when my doctor told me I should start using Primobolan instead of another treatment option but I’m glad he made the switch because it has helped me immensely and has even given me much more energy to help out with things around the house.
- Maria Jacob (November 15, 2021): It’s been over a year since I started using Primobolan and I can definitely see and feel the extra muscle mass I’ve gained since using this compound.
- Andrew Reagan (November 22, 2021): Ever since I started using Primobolan a few months ago, it’s helped me get stronger and more energetic.
- Joshua Perkins (December 4, 2021): At first, I was opposed to the idea of starting to use Primobolan because I wanted to naturally bulk up with muscle mass, but after trying it out for a few months now, I understand why so many people prefer the milder compounds.
- Kimberly Perkins (December 11, 2021): If you want to be able to push your limits during workouts, Primobolan is one of the best steroids because it has helped me become stronger with less weight gain.
- Larissa Perkins (January 3, 2022): I wouldn’t have believed it myself but after switching to Primobolan from another steroid compound, I’ve noticed how much stronger my muscles look and feel compared to before.
- Daniella Hernandez (January 20, 2022): If you are looking for a steroid that can help you become stronger and improve your endurance, Primobolan is definitely the best compound available.
- Geoffrey Hernandez (January 26, 2022): When I started using Primobolan about 7 months ago, it has helped me bulk up while putting on minimal fat which I love.
Youtube videos to watch in order to learn more about Primobolan
- Greg Doucette Tried 1000 MG Primobolan Per Week And This Is What Happened…:
- Primobolan – why you’re missing out:
I’m very happy I followed my friend’s recommendation and tried the steroid Primo! Because I didn’t want to get too bulky, I was initially a little concerned, but Primobolan Steroid was ideal for me. I am currently through a 200 mg/week Primobolan cycle, which has helped me develop lean muscle without packing on too much mass.
The Primobolan solo cycle is a great way for those looking to add lean mass. It’s a very versatile compound that can be used in both cutting and bulking cycles. The dosages for Primobolan are very user-friendly and it’s a compound that is well tolerated by most users.